Everything You Need To Know About Resident Evil 2 Safe Codes

Resident Evil 2 safe codes are always important for the players of Resident Evil 2. Without the Resident Evil 2 all safety codes, you will never be able to unlock the safes in the game.

However, they are perhaps the most complex puzzles that the players could barely solve.

All the safes and lockers that you find in the game Resident Evil 2 contain the key items. Some special codes and combinations are required to open these lockers and safes.

So, if you are aware of how to unlock them, it will save you so much time in the game and you can focus on other important things.

But, what codes will you need to unlock them? This gaming guide will tell you everything about the Resident Evil 2 remake unlocks or Resident Evil 2 unlockables.

Let’s find out.

List Of The Resident Evil 2 Safe Codes And Combignations And Where To Find Them- Detailed Guide

If you are a regular player of the game Resident Evil, you will know that this spooky game contains three safes that you have to unlock. So, do you find it difficult to unlock the safes? Don’t worry! Here we have discussed all the codes and where you can find them out.

How To Unlock A Locker Combination In Resident Evil 2

In this section, you will find out every code and combination for the safes, lockers, statues, and greenhouse codes. Once you get them, it will be very easy for you to unlock the safes and the lockers in the game.

Resident Evil 2: Safe Code For West Office

In the game Resident Evil, you have to find out the code combination for the West Office safe. The safe code for the RE2 West Office Safe is left 9, right 15, and left 7.

But where do you find out the code? You need to opt for looking at the Star Office Memo to search for the code of West Office which is on the first floor. The good part is that you will find out a Hip Pouch in it. It will enhance your inventory in the Game.

Resident Evil 2: Waiting Room Safe Combination

Left 6, right 2, and 11 left is the code combination for the Waiting Room Safe. These combinations are also the Resident Evil 2 safe codes for Claire.

You need to look at the confiscation Report file to find out the code for the East wing waiting room safe.

Here, you will find out a Muzzle Break for the character Leon and a High capacity Mag for the character Claire.

Resident Evil 2: Safe Code For The Treatment Pool Room

If you want to open the Treatment Pool Room, you need the combination of left 2, right 12, and left 8. You don’t need to look for this code combination anywhere else in the game. You can find them out at the side of the safe.

Here, the players will find out the stock of the Shotgun (W-870) for the character Leon.


  1. 43675218 is the solution to the first portable safe for Leon.
  2. 85137542 is the solution to the first portable safe for Claire.
Resident Evil 2 Safe Codes

Lockers Codes In Resident Evil 2

Here is the list of the Resident Evil 2 locker codes. Just like the safes, Resident evil 2 includes a total of three lockers in the game.

  • CAP: it is the locker code for the shower room (2nd Floor) at the Racoon City Police Station.
  • DCM: it is the locker code for the 3rd floor stairs at the Racoon City Police Station.
  • SZF: it is the Resident Evil 2 control room code.

Resident Evil 2: Statue Codes

Here is the complete list of the status codes in the game Resident Evil 2.

  • Resident Evil 2 Lion Statue Code: Lion, Leafy Branch or Thistle, and Bird is the Resident Evil 2 lion statue code.
  • Resident Evil 2 Unicorn Statue Code: Fish, Scorpion, and Vase
  • Resident Evil 2 Maiden Statue Codes: Woman, Bow, and Snake

RE2: 2nd Run Codes For The Lion, Unicorn, And Maiden

  • For Lion: Crown, Torch, and Bird
  • For Unicorn: Two People, Scales, and Uncoiled Snakes
  • For Maiden: Ram, Harp, and Bird

RE2: Greenhouse Codes

  • Code for the Control Room Ladder: F, II, 2 L shapes, F
  • Code for the Control Room Ladder in 2nd Run: backwards L, colon (:), F, II.
  • Code for the Control Room Drug Testing: 2 shapes of L, I, a large square on the small square, colon.
  • Code for the Control Room Drug Testing in 2nd Run: 2 shapes of L, I, small block on the large square, colon.

How To Collect The Resident Evil 2 Heart Key

You will get the heart key in the game Resident Evil 2 via Claire’s playthrough. You need to find it out in the Private Collection Room.

  • You need to get the Relief that you find out at the end of the room.
  • Search for it in the inventory and rotate it also.
  • Then press the prompt button. In this way, you can get the Heart Key while you are playing Resident Evil 2.


1. How Do You Unlock The Safes In Resident Evil 2?

If you are a player of the game Resident Evil 2, you will need some special combinations of the codes to unlock the safes in the game. The combinations are given in the below section.

  1. The combination of the west office safe on the first floor: left 9, right 15, left 7.
  2. The combination of the east wing waiting room on the second floor: left 6, right 2, left 11.
  3. The combination for the Treatment pool room: left 2, right 12, left 8.

2. Where Are The Locker Combinations In RE2?

You will be able to find the locker combination for the West office safe in the Star Office Memo. Here the safe code is the combination of left 9, right 15, and left 7.

You need to look at the confiscation Report file to find out the code for the East wing waiting room safe. The code is left 6, right 2, and left 11. You will see the Treatment Pool Room Safe combination lock at the side of the safe.

To Sum It Up

So, are you a newbie to the game Resident Evil 2? If so, you don’t have to think too much about unlocking safe. Knowing how to unlock the safes keeps the game hazard-free.

That is why we have discussed here all the combinations that you will need to unlock them. Now go for it and have happy gaming!

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